Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break

We are on spring break this week. So, now that we have time to do other things, GOTD will be on hiatus for a little while. We will resume shortly.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

March 10: Crotch Shot Ginger

This man is maybe the unluckiest guy in the world. He finally gets to meet Jennifer Aniston, and what happens, she kicks him in the family jewels. Unlucky. But this Ginger completes this otherwise terrible ad and really makes it worthwhile. So, even though hes not the star of the video, he over shadows Ms. Anniston. Great Job Ginger!

Here is a link to the video:
Ginger @ 1:55

March 9: Happy Trails, Ginger

Ms. Vivian Schiller, today, resigned from her post as President and CEO of the NPR broadcasting station. Under her tenure the station has experienced increased listenership, advanced the integration of new media, recreation of the website, the largest Facebook following of any media organization, an increase in research and development for radio, and even an initiative to keep their member stations functioning as the station moved forward. Because of all of these accomplishments, it is sad to see this successful business-ginger forced out of her post because of the unflattering comments of some other executive. The GOTD has pleased many and we wish her the best of luck in the future.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

March 8: Concussed Ginger

After getting a concussion during a baseball game on July 7, 2010. Returning to action today, he went 1-2 with a double and 3 RBIs. Not a bad return to the game. I know there are plenty of Gingers rooting for you and your health up there in Minnesota. Took ya long enough, Justin Morneau, but it was clear that you just wanted to hold off the come back until you could be eligible for the Ginger of the Day.

Monday, March 07, 2011

March 7: Winning!

Obviously we had to somehow incorporate Charlie Sheen into the GOTD. After much searching, a ginger is the one thing the vatican assassin is not. So we had to settle for his babies mama Denise Richards. She is still very worthy of the high honor, especially for her epic role in "Wild Things." This Ginger of the Day earned the honor for her past addiction to a drug...a drug called Charlie Sheen!! Winner.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

March 6: Tough Guy Ginger

This 20-year-old Mexican Ginger just became the new, youngest ever, WBC Light Middleweight Champion after defeating Matthew Hatton in a unanimous victory after 12 rounds of dominant boxing. Saul "Canelo" Alvarez is undefeated and hasn't lost since he was an amateur fighter when he was 15 years old. I certainly would not want to get on the wrong side of this Ginger. Also Canelo means Cinnamon from my excellent research abilities; And who doesn't love Cinnamon?

Saturday, March 05, 2011

March 5: B-Ball Ginger

Like we said earlier, "the sky's the limit when you have a Ginger." The San Antonio Spurs found that out first hand when they destroyed the Miami Heat by 30 points last night. Putting those points on the board required a lot of skill. Matt Bonner is the Ginger of the Day for providing that skill and putting LBJ and D.Wade in their place. Awesome work Gingers.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Ginger Poll of the Week of 02/27/2011 Winner!

Well, it looks like it has been decided what the best part of being a ginger is. Turns out it is indeed the crazy hair that is greatest of all. It looked like there was gonna be a three way tie, until late in the polling period the equilibrium was broken. It was a close race. Thank you to everyone that responded and don't forget to look out for the new poll of the week to be updated Sunday night!

March 4: Funny Man Ginger

The late, great Rodney Dangerfield (1921–2004)is the Ginger of the Day. Many hilarious appearances, stand up specials, and movies including Back to School and Caddyshack. Because they are epic and on television right now, he shall be honored in the only way we know how. Whoever said he don't get no respect?

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Ginger Quote of the Month revisited

"The sky's the limit when you have a Ginger"
- Anonymous

March 3: Wisconsin Ginger

This Ginger has the distinct pleasure of being the only man I have ever heard of to openly be called "The Ginger!" on national television. Not only is that an awesome feat, but he is also a beast on the court for the Wisconsin Badgers. Congratulations Mike "The Ginga Assassin" Bruesewitz, you are the Ginger of the Day.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

March 2: "Ginger," Ginger

Who better to be GOTD than the original. In the words of TC, total smokeshow. It's no wonder why they were stranded for so long. Who the hell wouldn't want to be stuck on a deserted island with her. The Professor was the damn MacGyver of the 60's, and you mean to tell me he couldn't build a 747 or yacht from bamboo and coconuts. OK.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Ginger Quote of the month

"I cannot define Ginger, but I know it when I see it."
- Unknown

March 1: Pulp Fiction Ginger

Got home and turned on Pulp Fiction. My all time favorite character happens to be Lance, the drug-dealing, adrenaline-owning, homeowner who ends up being the reason that Ms. Wallace's life is saved. Turns out he is Ginger and the actor who plays him is one also. Congratulations, Eric Stoltz. You are the Ginger of the Day.